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If you have been charged with a DWI crime in Westchester County, the consequences can be serious. Loss of license, fines, and even jail time are real possibilities. It takes an experienced DWI defense lawyer to guide you through the process and if necessary fight for your rights.

The Westchester County District Attorney's office has taken a hard line against those accused of DWI. A first time offender will have his license suspended, arrested, car confiscated and faces possible jail time. Those cases which involved DWI accidents fare even worse. Those accused can face up to one year in jail for their first offense. In addition to the criminal penalties, a DWI conviction will also mean paying for alcohol programs, court fines and higher insurance rates. The number of DWI arrests are on the rise in Westchester and police in each village are hyper-vigillant about these types of cases. A simple drink with dinner can land you under arrest for DWI.

For nearly twenty years, Lawrence DiGiansante has been defending those accused of Drunk Driving related crimes in courtroom throughout Westchester County. He has handled hundreds of DWI cases from the beginning until the end. Let the Law Offices of Lawrence DiGiansante, LLC put their experience to work for you. Contact the office for a confidential consultation at 917-578-8257 and protect your legal rights now!